A Bibliography of Biography and Criticism
Selected by Ann Woodlief

Amore, Adelaide P. A Woman's Inner World: Selected Poetry and Prose of Anne Bradstreet. 1982.

Dolle, Raymond. Anne Bradstreet: A Reference Guide. 1990.

Hammond, Jeffrey. Sinful Self, Saintly Self: The Puritan Experience of Poetry. 1993.

Laughlin, Rosemary M. "Anne Bradstreet: Poet in Search of Form." American Literature (March 1970). 1-17.

Martin, Wendy. An American Triptych: Anne Bradstreet, Emily Dickinson, Adrienne Rich. 1984.

Ostriker, Alicia. Stealing the Language: The Emergence of Women's Poetry in America. 1986.

Piercy, Josephine K. Anne Bradstreet. 1965.

Richardson, Robert D., Jr. "The Puritan Poetry of Anne Bradstreet." The American Puritan Imagination. Ed. S. Bercovitch. 1974. 107-22.

Rosenmeier, Rosamund. Anne Bradstreet Revisited. 1991. See pp. 113-25 in particular.

Stanford, Ann. Anne Bradstreet, the Worldly Puritan: An Introduction to Her Poetry. 1975.

Stanford, Ann. "Anne Bradstreet." Major Writers of Early American Literature. Ed. Everett Emerson. 1972. 33-58.

Vancura, Z. "Baroque Prose in America. " Studies in English (1935): 39-88.

White, Elizabeth Wade. Anne Bradstreet, "The Tenth Muse." 1971.

White, Elizabeth Wade. "The Tenth Muse: A Tercentenary Appraisal of Anne Bradstreet." William and Mary Quarterly, 7 (July 1951): 360.